This chapter describes the Indico module for booking conference rooms.
Indico users can book conference rooms for their conference and meeting purposes. Bookings can also be standalone - they do not have to be bound to any event. Room managers can monitor and moderate all bookings. Indico administrators can create rooms and manage their data.
Instead of being a boring manual no one ever reads, this file is an introduction, and it assumes you have some intuition of how the web works. The suggested way of learning is to start with a tutorial, then play with the module on your own. Simply use the software as any other Web page. Read context help along the way. Finally, come back for some tips.
You can read the Core Features listings in order to get a full overview of the options of the room booking modules. It allows you to assign a room to a particular event, a talk or simply to book a room on its own, without attaching it to a event. The booking can then be managed from the administration area.
To use Indico::CRBS directly, just click on Room Booking in the Indico home page, in the top blue bar. To book rooms for your event, go to the event management page and click on the Room Booking option. In both cases you will be asked to sign in. Use your Indico login.
The Room Booking Module first page depends on who is logged in. For most people, it will show a list of their bookings. The My bookings menu option will give you the same list. Room managers will see bookings of rooms they manage, so they can have a quick overview. If you are a room manager, use the Bookings option in My rooms menu to show the page again (this is only available for room manangers).
If you require it, point at the question mark icon with your
mouse to see context help. Context help is meant to answer most of
your questions along the way.
If a room does not have a name, the default name is built in the following way:
“location: building-floor-room”
Examples: “CERN: 304-1-001”, “Sheraton: 0-34-013”.
There are three kinds of room. They determine how much freedom users have.
colour). This means all bookings are accepted.
PRE-book them and wait for acceptance or rejection.
manager can book his/her private room. If you need such a room, you should ask this person to create a booking for you.
There are six types of booking. They allow you to define different types of recurring reservation. A common example is a weekly meeting (which takes place at the same time every week). You can choose from:
Essentially there are two steps: selecting a room and filling in a booking form. More detailed steps are:
Note: some rooms require confirmation. These rooms are usually coded in orange. In this case, you cannot directly book them. You can only PRE-book such a room. PRE-booking works exactly the same way as booking. The only difference is that you must wait for acceptance from the room manager.
Note: you can always modify your booking (or PRE-booking). It will again be checked for conflicts.
Note: you can always browse your own bookings and PRE-bookings using the menu options My bookings and My PRE-bookings.
You can view the bookings or pre-bookings that you made by going under the ‘My bookings’ and ‘My PRE-bookings’ sections of the Room Booking side menu. By selecting one of the bookings in the list, you will get the following :
This page contains all the information about a booking, and it allows you to modify, clone or cancel the booking. If the reservation is done for more than a single day, each of the occurences of the booking can be canceled individually. In addition, this page lets you watch the history of the booking (i.e. all the past actions that were performed on this reservation) if you are the creator of the booking. Only the most recent entry is partially displayed, but you can see the rest of it by clicking on the Show All History... link. Additional information about a particular entry can be viewed by clicking the More Info link.
As a room manager you may create room blockings which prevent regular users from booking certain rooms. This feature can be used for special events during which only a few people should be allowed to create bookings for some rooms.
To create such a blocking, go to ‘Block rooms’ in the Room Booking side menu and follow these steps:
When trying to book a blocked room, users in the ‘Allowed users/groups’ list will see that the room is blocked and the reason why but will be able to create bookings anyway. You as the creator of the blocking will always be able to override your blocking, so you don’t have to add yourself to the list. The same applies to the owners of blocked rooms. They will see the blocking and a warning that the room has been blocked, but they are able to override the blocking.
You can also create blockings for rooms you don’t own. These blockings will have to be approved be the respective owners - until they do so, other users trying to create a booking on that room will see the pending blocking request but will be able to carry on with their booking.
As soon as the blocking for a room has been approved (blockings for your own rooms are immediately approved when creating the blocking), all bookings colliding with the blocking are automatically rejected.
This section describes core capabilities and constraints of the Room Booking Module. It may be useful to assess whether it meets your needs.
Note that the Room Booking Module is NOT supposed to be a general-purpose “room management” or “room booking” software.
It was built with conference rooms in mind. Its main purpose is to make conference organization easier. We see room booking as a part of conference organization (but it is possible to book rooms without associating the booking to an event).
General features are:
Options available to regular users:
In addition to what a user has access to, a room manager can:
In addition to what a room manager has access to, an Indico Administrator can:
The room must have its manager. It is not possible to define multiple managers for a single room (you can work around this by creating an Indico account shared by several people).
The room must have a defined building, which must be a number. This is mandatory. If you do not need building, put any number there (like ‘0’). If your building naming scheme has letters, we are sorry - the software is not flexible enough for you.
The room must have defined floor (alphanumerical) and room ‘number’ (alphanumerical in fact).
Room: meeting or conference room. Please note that the software is not suitable for managing other rooms, like offices, corridors, etc.
Location: physical location of rooms. Room custom attributes and possible equipment are defined on a location basis. Example: rooms at CERN may have different attributes and different equipment than rooms in Fermilab.
Booking: final reservation of a room. While considered final, it still may be rejected in case of emergency.
PRE-booking: unconfirmed reservation of a room. PRE-booking is subject to acceptance or rejection.
Room responsible/manager: the person who accepts/rejects bookings. Each room has exactly one person responsible. A person may be responsible for any number of rooms.
Room blocking: a restriction created by a room manager which prevents users from booking the rooms listed in the blocking unless they have explicit permission to override the permission or own the rooms.