1. Paper reviewing module - content reviewers’s guide

1.1. Getting started

As a content reviewer your responsibility is to give your opinion about the papers’ content. Firstly, you must log in to the system, then you will find a link Content Reviewer Area in the left menu under Paper Reviewing.


1.2. Content reviewer area

When you access the content reviewers area you will find a list of all the contributions that are assigned to you for judgement. You see the state of every contribution - if you have already judged a contribution or if the assigned referee has given the final judgement.


From the list you can click on a contribution’s title and access the page which will allow you to judge that contribution. Once in that page, you should fill in the questions provided by the paper review manager. The comments that you write should help the Referee to give his judgement. As a final step, give your judgement of the content of the contribution: to be corrected, rejected, accepted. The authors of the contribution will receive an automatic e-mail notification containing your comments and judgement, if the Managers of the paper reviewing set this option.


The material which is the subject of reviewing is accessible under Material to Review.


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5. Content Reviewers’s Guide

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6. Contributions’ authors Guide