The reservation export is only availabled for authenticated users, i.e. when using an API key and a signature (if enabled). If the room booking system is restricted to certain users/groups this restriction applies for the reservation export API, too.
Please note that the room export with the reservations detail level is much more appropriate if you need reservations for specific rooms.
The LOCATION should be the room location, e.g. CERN. A - separated list of multiple locations is allowed, too.
Param | Short | Values | Description |
occurrences | occ | yes, no | Include all occurrences of room reservations. |
cancelled | cxl | yes, no | If specified only include cancelled (yes) or non-cancelled (no) reservations. |
rejected | rej | yes, no | If specified only include rejected/non-rejected resvs. |
confirmed | - | yes, no, pending | If specified only include bookings/pre-bookings with the given state. |
archival | arch | yes, no | If specified only include bookings (not) from the past. |
recurring | rec | yes, no | If specified only include bookings which are (not) recurring. |
repeating | rep | yes, no | Alias for recurring |
avc | yes, no | If specified only include bookings which (do not) use AVC. | |
avcsupport | avcs | yes, no | If specified only include bookings which (do not) need AVC Support. |
bookedfor | bf | text (wildcards) | Only include bookings where the booked for field matches the given wildcard string. |
Returns detailed data about the reservations and the most important information about the booked room.
"count": 1,
"_type": "HTTPAPIResult",
"complete": true,
"url": "https://indico.server/export/reservation/CERN.json?ak=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&detail=reservations&from=today&to=today&bookedfor=*MONNICH*&pretty=yes",
"ts": 1308923111,
"results": [
"endDT": {
"date": "2011-06-25",
"tz": "Europe/Zurich",
"time": "17:30:00"
"room": {
"_fossil": "minimalRoomMetadata",
"_type": "RoomCERN",
"fullName": "500-1-201 - Mezzanine",
"id": 120
"isConfirmed": true,
"isValid": true,
"usesAVC": false,
"repeatability": "daily",
"_type": "ReservationCERN",
"vcList": [],
"reason": "Just testing",
"location": "CERN",
"_fossil": "reservationMetadata",
"needsAVCSupport": false,
"startDT": {
"date": "2011-06-24",
"tz": "Europe/Zurich",
"time": "08:30:00"
"id": 93094,
"bookingUrl": "http://indico.server/",
"bookedForName": "MONNICH, Jerome"