2. Common Parameters

The following parameters are valid for all requests no matter which element is requested. If a parameter has a shorter form, it’s given in parentheses.

Param Short Description
from/to f/t
Accepted formats:
  • ISO 8601 subset - YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM]
  • ‘today’, ‘yesterday’, ‘tomorrow’ and ‘now’
  • days in the future/past: ‘[+/-]DdHHhMMm’
nocache nc Do not return cached results (the results are written to the cache though).
pretty p Pretty-print the output. When exporting as JSON it will include whitespace to make the json more human-readable.
onlypublic op Only return results visible to unauthenticated users when set to yes.
limit n Return no more than the X results.
offset O Skip the first X results.
detail d Specify the detail level (values depend on the exported element)
order o Sort the results. Must be one of id, end, title.
descending c Sort the results in descending order when set to yes.
tz - Use the given timezone when returning time information.

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1. Accessing the API

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3. Exportable Elements