1. Starting with Indico

1.1. Creating an Administration Account

After installation the first screen presented to you will be:


First you must create an user account by clicking on login. You will be presented with a Log In screen and with an option to create an account. A form will needs to be filled in with your user details. Once this is complete an email will be sent to you with a link to activate your account. Once activated, you will then be able to login. Now, it is the moment to add yourself as an Administrator. In order to do so, click on Server admin, in the top blue bar, and you will access the Administration Area.


From here you need to add your account to the Administrator list, to do this click on Add user to list under the title of Administrator List and use the user search to find and select your account. You will then be an Administrator and can start using all the features of Indico. If there is no Administrator account anybody can access and change all parts of Indico leaving it exposed with no access control. Once someone adds himself as Administrator, nobody else will be able to do it in the same way, but existing Administrators can add new Administrators. Administrators will have access and modification rights to all categories and events.

Users can create their own accounts to use Indico, and they can modify, delete and add extra logins manually. Administrators are also able to create new accounts and assign users to be Administrators or organise users into groups (see Administration Area)

1.2. Accounts Created by a User

When a new user wants to create an account, he can do so by clicking on login in the top right-hand corner of Indico. From here he can choose to create an account. A form will be presented that needs to be filled in with the user’s details. Once submitted an email will be sent to the user.

1.2.1. Activating a User Created Account

A user activates his account by using the link that is sent in the email he receives once he applied for a new account. The account must be activated, otherwise he won’t be able to log in.

1.2.2. Retrieving a Forgotten Password

If a user needs to retrieve his password, he can use the login screen and its forgotten password option; the user will be sent their password by email to the address registered with that account.

2. Administration Area

The Administration Area controls the whole of Indico, anything you modify or add from here can be used throughout the whole program. From here you can change general information about your version of Indico, manually add, activate and modify accounts, add more than one login for a user, delete additional logins and assign users to groups You can also define domains for use with Access Control throughout Indico and you have control of any maintenance.

2.1. General settings

From the General settings in the Administration Area, you are able to modify the system title, the organisation, the support email, the no reply email and address. You can also add or remove users from the administration list; this means they have full administration access throughout Indico.


The Support email address you add in the General System Information will appear as the overall general support contact. However, if a problem occurs within the program and an error report needs to be sent, this report will be sent to the developers not to this support email.

2.2. Users

The Users and Groups option allows you to control and modify any of the users accounds and groups.

2.2.1. Manually Creating a User

To manually create a new account use the New User button in the Users and Groups menu, Manage Users tab. You will be presented with the same form as a user creating his own account; fill it in and submit it in order to create the account. You will still need to activate the account.

2.2.2. Searching for Users

You can search for a user by surname, first name, email address or organisation. If you are not sure of the full details you can enter only one of the options or the first few letters and you will be shown all the users that match your search. The Search filter is found by clicking on Users and Groups > Manage Users.

2.2.3. Manually Activating an Account

To activate an account from within the administration area, go to the Users and Groups option, Manage Users tab and search for the user’s account using the filter. Then select the account you wish to activate, this will take you to the user’s details:


If an account has not been activated its status will be not confirmed. Click the button activate the account next to the status in order to activate the account. The account status will then be changed to activated and the user for that account will now be able to log in.

2.2.4. Modifying a User’s Account

From the Account Details screen above you have the option to modify the user’s details. From here you are able to modify the user affiliation, email address, postal address, telephone number, fax number, default timezone, default language, etc.

2.2.5. Creating Additional Logins for a User

A user may have more than one login (username and password) on their account, this can be useful if the user has certain access rights with one login but not with another, they can then choose which login to use when using Indico.


To create a new login account for a user, click on the create a new account button. This will take you to a screen where you can enter a new username and password. Once the new account is added it will show in the User Details screen as above.

2.2.6. Deleting Additional Logins

To delete any additional account login select those accounts for that user that you wish to delete and use the delete selected accounts option from the User Details screen above. However, a user must have at least one login account.

2.3. Groups

You can use the Groups section to categorise users if you wish. You may want to use this feature to help with Access Control. If, for example, you have more than one user that you would like to manage an event, you could make a group of Managers for each event and then assign each set to an event, as apposed to adding each individual user.

To create a new group use the New Group feature in the Users and Groups menu, Manage Groups tab. You will be asked for a group name and a description.


You can then start to add or remove users from the group.


You can assign a group of users to Access Control in the same way as you can add individual users. Once your group(s) is/are created you can use the Search Groups option to find a particular group, to continue adding and removing users, or to modify the group details.

2.4. IP Domains

You can add sets of IP addresses called Domains to be used in Access Control. To add a new domain use the New Domain option in the IP Domains menu.

You can then enter a name, description, and the IP addresses you which to use in this domain:


Any domains you create can be viewed from the IP Domains menu, you can search for the domain name you want to look at it and you will be shown its details.


You can also modify the Domain by clicking on it, and then on the button modify.

2.5. Maintenance

The maintenance area is accessible from the System menu, Maintenance tab. From here you are able to:

  • View the amount of Temporary files being used by Indico. Indico creates temporary files internally for example when a user submits a file or when creating a DVD, etc. These temporary files are stored until you delete them from here.
  • Pack the Database. Indico periodically backs up your database and stores the older versions; you can choose to remove older versions to save memory by using the pack option, this will keep the current version of the database.
  • Delete Websessions. The database stores temporary information for the period in which an end user is navigating Indico, for example, websessions. Websessions are stored in the database until you choose to delete them.


You will be asked to confirm the deletion of temporary files and websessions as well as packing of the database.